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New Obama Exec Order: Government Can Steal Your Money From Bank Account

New Obama Exec Order: Government Can Steal Your Money From Bank Account

truther October 18, 2012 1

President Barack Obama has signed an executive order (EO) earlier this month that claims governmental authority to steal money out of customer bank accounts under the guise of assisting Iran with “certain transactions” that

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Leaked Debate Agreement Shows Both Obama and Romney are Sniveling Cowards

Leaked Debate Agreement Shows Both Obama and Romney are Sniveling Cowards

truther October 17, 2012 7

Time's Mark Halperin has made himself useful for once by obtaining, and publishing, a copy of the 21-page memorandum of understanding that the Obama and Romney campaigns negotiated with the Commission on Presidential Debates

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Strange Domes to Line the Texas Coast in Preparation for Something to Come

Strange Domes to Line the Texas Coast in Preparation for Something to Come

truther October 17, 2012 3

Disaster-proof domes that can sustain winds in excess of 250 mph will cost taxpayers more than $50 a foot. FEMA has now offered to pick up the tab of at least $50 million dollars, to

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Millions to Participate in FEMA Drill Next Week

Millions to Participate in FEMA Drill Next Week

truther October 16, 2012 3

On October 18, 2012 at 10:18 a.m. EDT, more than one million people across five states and the District of Columbia are scheduled to take part in the first ever Great SouthEast ShakeOut.

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Another Obama Executive Order Allows Seizure of Americans’ Bank Accounts

Another Obama Executive Order Allows Seizure of Americans’ Bank Accounts

truther October 15, 2012 2

The latest executive order (EO) emanating from the White House October 9 now claims the power to freeze all bank accounts and stop any related financial transactions that a “sanctioned person” may own or

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Don’t Vote For Evil

Don’t Vote For Evil

truther October 14, 2012 5

Back during the George W. Bush neocon regime, President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela in his UN speech summed up George W. Bush for the world. I am quoting Chavez from memory, not verbatim. “Yesterday

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Say Hello to World War III, Obama Just Signed another Executive Order

Say Hello to World War III, Obama Just Signed another Executive Order

truther October 13, 2012 38

President Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat, the south side Chicago back alley socialist insurgent pimp, just signed another Executive Order. You know, President Obama, who isn’t a Zionist

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U.S Military plans to prevent veteran suicides by taking away their guns

U.S Military plans to prevent veteran suicides by taking away their guns

truther October 12, 2012 2

It has long been known that there are more veterans who end up committing suicide than there are who actually die on the battlefield. This fact has been so unsettling for many people in

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An Open Letter to Secretary Napolitano

An Open Letter to Secretary Napolitano

truther October 10, 2012 1

Secretary Napolitano, it is with great hesitancy I write this letter to you. This is a letter that no American should have to write. It is a letter with great expectations and little

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New Congressional Amendment Prepares For Mass Casualties in America

New Congressional Amendment Prepares For Mass Casualties in America

truther October 9, 2012 1

Last month, the US House of Representatives passed HR 6566 which is an amendment of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 that imbues the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) “to provide

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Homeland Security: Preparing for Massive Civil War

Homeland Security: Preparing for Massive Civil War

truther October 9, 2012 2

The discovery by the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (3 October 2012) that, “Despite reviewing 13 months’ worth of reporting originating from fusion centers from April 1, 2009 to April

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Mass Death Fears Rock US Underground –  What is Coming ?

Mass Death Fears Rock US Underground – What is Coming ?

truther October 8, 2012 15

If you can imagine, factions of your own government, in conjunction with elements of FEMA and Homeland Security, have been preparing for your very own demise

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Video: FEMA Camp Exposed? Louisiana – Gun Towers, Crematorium, Perimeter Fences

Video: FEMA Camp Exposed? Louisiana – Gun Towers, Crematorium, Perimeter Fences

truther October 7, 2012 14

Is this a FEMA Camp that has been exposed in Livingston, Louisiana? It definitely has gun towers placed strategically all around it as well as a fence. Also pointed out by the videographer is

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FEMA Bill HR6566: Ordering National Preparation For Mass Death, Video

FEMA Bill HR6566: Ordering National Preparation For Mass Death, Video

truther October 6, 2012 17

The United States Congress has passed a bill which mandates the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to prepare for “mass fatality planning” and funeral homes, cemeteries and mortuaries being “overwhelmed” in the aftermath of

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16 Critical Economic Issues That Obama And Romney Avoided During The Debate

16 Critical Economic Issues That Obama And Romney Avoided During The Debate

truther October 6, 2012 1

Did you watch the presidential debate on Wednesday night? It is absolutely amazing how they can have an hour and a half debate about the economy and say so little. It seemed

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Did the new Alternative Media actually save American lives?

Did the new Alternative Media actually save American lives?

truther October 5, 2012 1

Put this in the “I don’t believe it” file, but something unusual has happened. The Department of Homeland Security /Immigration Customs Enforcement (DHS/ICE) has CANCELLED their request to purchase 176,000 rounds of .308 hollow

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Sobering! Latest Motion: NDAA Military Detention IS Martial Law

Sobering! Latest Motion: NDAA Military Detention IS Martial Law

truther October 4, 2012 2

The latest motion to fight Obama’s NDAA detention of US citizens provides a sobering picture of what the Corporate media is blacking out

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‘October Surprise’ Could Decide Election

‘October Surprise’ Could Decide Election

truther October 2, 2012 8

ABC News has released a story suggesting that an “October surprise” will impact next month’s presidential election, with an incident involving Iran likely to decide the winner

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First was the ammunition, now comes the weapons

First was the ammunition, now comes the weapons

truther October 1, 2012 1

First came the ammunition requests, and now it’s time for the weapons. The incremental creep of arming government thugs continues one step at a time, one breath at a time, until it becomes one

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Australian Government Now Spies on Its Citizens More than the US Government Does

Australian Government Now Spies on Its Citizens More than the US Government Does

truther October 1, 2012 1

The Australian Government has now been labelled as the most intrusive government in the western world. It has been revealed that on a per-capita basis, the Australian government spies of its citizens more than any

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