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Citizens from 15 states have filed petitions to secede from the United States

Citizens from 15 states have filed petitions to secede from the United States

truther November 12, 2012 2

As of Saturday November 10, 2012, 15 States have petitioned the Obama Administration for withdrawal from the United States of America in order to create its own government. States following this action include: Louisiana, Texas,

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Election Fraud? Obama Won More Than 99 Percent Of The Vote In More Than 100 Ohio Precincts

Election Fraud? Obama Won More Than 99 Percent Of The Vote In More Than 100 Ohio Precincts

truther November 12, 2012 3

Barack Obama received more than 99% of the vote in more than 100 precincts in Cuyahoga County, Ohio on election day. In fact, there were a substantial number of precincts where Mitt Romney

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FEMA Camp Dry Run? Sandy Victims To Be Housed In Abandoned Prison

FEMA Camp Dry Run? Sandy Victims To Be Housed In Abandoned Prison

truther November 11, 2012 1

Officials in New York are reportedly eyeing a recently-closed prison as temporary housing for people displaced by super-storm Sandy and this week’s nor’easter. The New York Post reports that state officials are considering the Arthur

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Military Absentee Ballots Delivered One Day Late, Would Have Swung Election For Romney ……….. Satire ?

Military Absentee Ballots Delivered One Day Late, Would Have Swung Election For Romney ……….. Satire ?

truther November 11, 2012 4

Sources confirmed today that hundreds of thousands of military absentee ballots were delivered hours after the deadline for them to be counted, with preliminary counts showing that they would have overturned the vote in

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truther November 10, 2012 9

It is being widely reported that there were 117 million votes cast: 60 million Obama and 57+ million for Romney. This is down 13 million from 2008 total of 131.4 million. In 2008 it is recorded

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Sandy Refugees Complain of Prison-like Conditions at FEMA Tent Camp

Sandy Refugees Complain of Prison-like Conditions at FEMA Tent Camp

truther November 10, 2012 3

Residents of New Jersey, whose homes were ravaged by superstorm Sandy and are now having to endure yet another wintery storm, are revealing through first-hand accounts that at least one tent camp FEMA is

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truther November 9, 2012 5

While all eyes were on Hurricane Sandy in the days leading up to the storm’s breach on the mainland of the Northeast, the White House was busy devising new ways to enslave Americans under

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Record Snow as 200,000 More Power Outages Strike Northeast US – FEMA Centers Remain Closed

Record Snow as 200,000 More Power Outages Strike Northeast US – FEMA Centers Remain Closed

truther November 9, 2012 2

Severe weather cripples the Northeastern US in what some say was a geoengineered super storm

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10 dire consequences of Obama’s re-election victory

10 dire consequences of Obama’s re-election victory

truther November 8, 2012 6

What does an Obama re-election mean for the next four years in America? Now that he's in his second and last term, of course, Obama no longer needs to restrain his actions according to

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FEMA Disaster Centers Shut Doors ‘Due to Weather’

FEMA Disaster Centers Shut Doors ‘Due to Weather’

truther November 8, 2012 0

They fly into disaster areas, but flee from raindrops. FEMA disaster recovery centers in Hurricane Sandy-ravaged sections of the city that were supposed to provide assistance to hurricane victims went MIA Wednesday morning, posting signs

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Big Brother Surveillance Only Used for Corporate Marketing, Says Expert

Big Brother Surveillance Only Used for Corporate Marketing, Says Expert

truther November 8, 2012 0

In the UK, more than 200 CCTV cameras have been installed in bathrooms and changing rooms to monitor students. Nick Pickles, director of Big Brother Watch said that parents were not aware of this

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Evidence of Electronic Vote Fraud Pours In from Both Liberal and Conservative Sources

Evidence of Electronic Vote Fraud Pours In from Both Liberal and Conservative Sources

truther November 7, 2012 1

Ron Paul supporters, progressives and the mainstream media have all discussed the potential for vote fraud. A global internet voting company headquartered in Spain recently purchased America’s dominant election results reporting company

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40,000 NYC Residents with No Heat – ‘Warming Centers’ to Open, FEMA Camps Next?

40,000 NYC Residents with No Heat – ‘Warming Centers’ to Open, FEMA Camps Next?

truther November 6, 2012 1

Parts of Staten Island and Queens remain lawless and without power as city, military, and law enforcement officials are overworked and understaffed. With that being said, parts of Manhattan reportedly are starting to resume business

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NATE SILVER: Obama’s Odds Of Winning Have Now Hit 85%

NATE SILVER: Obama’s Odds Of Winning Have Now Hit 85%

truther November 5, 2012 0

With two days to go, Obama's odds of winning re-election have reached their highest level ever, according to New York Times polling guru Nate Silver. Betting markets Intrade and Betfair also show the President maintaining

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Video: 40 Facts You Need To Know About This Government Before You Vote. Complements Of Snoopes!

Video: 40 Facts You Need To Know About This Government Before You Vote. Complements Of Snoopes!

truther November 4, 2012 4

The IRS is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF. (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan

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Martial Law Officially Declared in Parts of New Jersey As Hurricane Sandy Brings Massive Damage, Flooding

Martial Law Officially Declared in Parts of New Jersey As Hurricane Sandy Brings Massive Damage, Flooding

truther November 4, 2012 0

At least one seaside town in New Jersey is now officially under martial law after Hurricane Sandy ravaged through the area, leaving extreme damage in its wake. Seaside Heights, New Jersey, made famous by the

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FEMA orders two million meals for New York and New Jersey residents starving after Hurricane Sandy

FEMA orders two million meals for New York and New Jersey residents starving after Hurricane Sandy

truther November 4, 2012 0

FEMA orders two million meals for New York and New Jersey residents starving after Hurricane Sandy

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State-Sponsored Hackers Disrupt Networks and Justify DHS New Digital Militia

State-Sponsored Hackers Disrupt Networks and Justify DHS New Digital Militia

truther November 3, 2012 0

Last month Janet Napolitano, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) claims that unspecified reports coming from US financial institutions assert that hackers are “actively” attacking them. Napolitano said: “Right now, financial institutions

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As society unravels in wake of Sandy, politicians endorse more power for FEMA

As society unravels in wake of Sandy, politicians endorse more power for FEMA

truther November 3, 2012 0

News wires across the spectrum are filled with harrowing signs of unfolding social collapse in the wake of Sandy that could exacerbate in the days to come as power outages are expected to last

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DHS Takeover: Newly Released DHS Manual Reveals Advanced Surveillance and Tactical Network

DHS Takeover: Newly Released DHS Manual Reveals Advanced Surveillance and Tactical Network

truther November 2, 2012 2

When the Department of Homeland Security was brought into existence the general population didn’t really know what to expect, they were never really told, and most of them didn’t care all that much to

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