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Did DHS Just Award an Ammunition Contract to a Shell Corporation?

Did DHS Just Award an Ammunition Contract to a Shell Corporation?

truther January 4, 2013 2

On the 18th of December, 2012 I wrote a story about how the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had requested, through the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC), an order for 200,000 rounds of

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These Wild New DVRs Will Spy On Your Living Room With Cameras And Microphones

These Wild New DVRs Will Spy On Your Living Room With Cameras And Microphones

truther January 4, 2013 3

Google TV, Microsoft, Comcast, and now Verizon have all submitted patent applications to create televisions and DVRs that will watch you as you watch TV. Earlier this month, news came out that Verizon applied

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Senate Approves Indefinite Military Detention of U.S. Citizens in U.S.

Senate Approves Indefinite Military Detention of U.S. Citizens in U.S.

truther December 27, 2012 0

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which was used two years ago to allow the government to indefinitely detain anyone, including U.S. citizens, has been approved again by the U.S. Senate. This time, however,

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Institutionalizing Indefinite Detention

Institutionalizing Indefinite Detention

truther December 25, 2012 2

Since taking office, Obama has authorized numerous police state measures. They follow earlier ones under George Bush. They're heading America for full-blown tyranny. It's already a hair's breadth away. It could arrive any time full

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Google starts watching what you do off the Internet too

Google starts watching what you do off the Internet too

truther December 24, 2012 0

The most powerful company on the Internet just got a whole lot creepier: a new service from Google merges offline consumer info with online intelligence, allowing advertisers to target users based on what they

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Video: Mindblowing Accounts Of Milwaukee Voting Fraud In 2012 Election

Video: Mindblowing Accounts Of Milwaukee Voting Fraud In 2012 Election

truther December 23, 2012 1

When the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board met for its December meeting,it heard countless testimony from election day observers about irregularities they had seen. These two accounts stand out as particularly troubling

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Obama likely to issue executive order on cybersecurity as early as January

Obama likely to issue executive order on cybersecurity as early as January

truther December 22, 2012 0

An executive order from President Obama aimed at protecting the nation from cyberattacks is likely to be issued in early 2013, and perhaps as soon as January, observers say. The long-awaited executive action is unlikely

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House Passes NDAA 2013 with Indefinite Detention Intact

House Passes NDAA 2013 with Indefinite Detention Intact

truther December 22, 2012 2

Yesterday, the House passed the National Defense Authorization Act which funds the Pentagon and military operations for 2013 to the tune of $633 billion. The vote was 315-107, but the final draft must still be

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If Obama is opposed to guns, why did his administration just purchase 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition and sniper rounds?

If Obama is opposed to guns, why did his administration just purchase 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition and sniper rounds?

truther December 21, 2012 1

"An evil exists that threatens every man, woman and child of this great nation. We must take steps to ensure our domestic security and protect our homeland." - Adolf Hitler, 1922. In the aftermath of

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Anti-NDAA Bill Introduced in Nevada

Anti-NDAA Bill Introduced in Nevada

truther December 21, 2012 1

The Bill, sponsored by Nevada State Senator Don Gustavson, will be part of the 2013 Nevada State Legislative session which begins in February. Passage of the Nevada Liberty Preservation Act will demonstrate the Legislature’s commitment

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TSA Moves to Sovietize Internal Travel: The Next Step Of The Police State Unfolding

TSA Moves to Sovietize Internal Travel: The Next Step Of The Police State Unfolding

truther December 14, 2012 4

Wendy McElroy, writing for the Dollar Vigilante, has uncovered a TSA move to extend its airport Gestapo zone to the nation’s mass transit system and highways. McElroy spotlights an application on page 71431 of Volume

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5 Unbelievably Creepy Surveillance Tactics

5 Unbelievably Creepy Surveillance Tactics

truther December 13, 2012 1

Since the erosion of Americans' civil liberties depends on high levels of public apathy, some of the most dangerous privacy breaches take place incrementally and under the radar; if it invites comparisons to Blade

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11 Secret Documents Americans Deserve to See

11 Secret Documents Americans Deserve to See

truther December 11, 2012 2

Many documents produced by the U.S. government are confidential and not released to the public for legitimate reasons of national security. Others, however, are kept secret for more questionable reasons. The fact

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‘Vulture spying for Israel’ caught in Sudan

‘Vulture spying for Israel’ caught in Sudan

truther December 11, 2012 0

The avian discovery was made in Kereinek, a town in the Darfur region of western Sudan, Israeli media have reported. Sudanese officials are said to have concluded that the bird was a secret agent after

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Obama Gives OK For Black Box Data Recorders to Be Installed in All Cars

Obama Gives OK For Black Box Data Recorders to Be Installed in All Cars

truther December 10, 2012 1

With complete disregard for driver privacy, the Obama administration gave their consent to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to mandate black box event data recorders (EDR) be installed in all new cars

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Senate Unanimously Passes 2013 NDAA; Power to Arrest Americans Remains

Senate Unanimously Passes 2013 NDAA; Power to Arrest Americans Remains

truther December 7, 2012 6

Just after 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, the Senate did it again. By a vote of 98-0 (two senators abstained) lawmakers in the upper chamber approved the Fiscal Year 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Not

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Anti-Second Amendment Democrat Arrested With Gun at Chicago’s O’Hare

Anti-Second Amendment Democrat Arrested With Gun at Chicago’s O’Hare

truther December 7, 2012 3

The arrest yesterday of Illinois Democrat Donne Trotter by TSA agents for attempting to bring a .25-caliber Beretta pistol on an airplane at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport demonstrates the hypocrisy of the anti-Second Amendment

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The UN asks for Control over the World’s Internet

The UN asks for Control over the World’s Internet

truther December 6, 2012 2

Members of the United Nation’s International Telecommunications Union (ITU) have agreed to work towards implementing a standard for the Internet that would allow for eavesdropping on a worldwide scale. At a conference in Dubai this

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Americans Are The Most Spied On People In World History

Americans Are The Most Spied On People In World History

truther December 6, 2012 0

Indeed, the American government has more information on the average American than Stalin had on Russians, Hitler had on German citizens, or any other government has ever had on its people. The American government is

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Obama Memorandum Protects National Security By Demonizing Whistleblowers

Obama Memorandum Protects National Security By Demonizing Whistleblowers

truther December 4, 2012 1

On November 25th President Barack Obama issued a presidential memorandum entitled “National Insider Threat Policy and Minimum Standards for Executive Branch Insider Threat Programs” that outlines the provision “and guidance to promote the development

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