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How Jinn Control Us

How Jinn Control Us

Pakalert June 29, 2011 9

In my journey to find out who I am, I came upon many things I believe to be true concerning the influence of the world of the Jinn, upon this world. What I have found

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Bilderberg 2011: The Rockefeller World Order and the “High Priests of Globalization”

Pakalert June 17, 2011 2

To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn't go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people

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Occult Symbolism: Photos from 1972 Rothschild Party

Pakalert March 23, 2011 4

These elite figures truly enjoy walking around with serious faces wearing creepy costumes. You think Gaga is “original”? Nope, she’s making trendy what her masters have been doing for centuries

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Chile Miners Rescue Manipulated For Media

Pakalert February 17, 2011 1

The "live" televised rescue of the 33 trapped miners in Chile, which appeared to the world as a flawless operation, was edited to disguise dangerous problems, it has emerged

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Rothschilds And The War On The Gulf of Mexico

Pakalert January 19, 2011 2

This article explains what is really happening in the Gulf of Mexico, who is really responsible for the explosion, and how the devastation serves investment bankers who sway stocks, create markets, and planned this

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Odd Masonic Images In 33 Chile Miners Rescue

Pakalert October 17, 2010 5

The rescue of the 33 unfortunate Chilean miners has definitely turn into an international media event (got extraordinary coverage in Pakistani media as well). All aspects of the rescue have been carefully staged

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The Kabbalah is a Hoax

Pakalert September 7, 2010 6

Modernism and secularism are based on the Kabbalah. It is the reason our "civilization" is preoccupied with violence, sex and the occult, and why current events appeared to be scripted in Hollywood. It

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1934 Film ‘The House Of Rothschild’ – Videos

Pakalert August 23, 2010 3

If you are even semi-awake to the Zionist threat this movie will blow your mind (I had to pick my jaw up several times). While this 1930ish Hollywood movie is only semi-accurate it certainly shows

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“Protocols of Zion” – Damage Control

Pakalert July 31, 2010 4

Mankind is slipping into a permanent coma according to a diabolical plan that has been public knowledge for over a century. When The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" were leaked in the 1890's,

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Illuminati Meet This Week for Satanic Rituals

Pakalert July 24, 2010 3

The Satanist cult that has colonized mankind is meeting this week at Bohemian Grove 80 miles north of San Francisco. Over 2000 members -- the political, corporate, cultural and military elite of the

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The Spiritual War

Pakalert August 22, 2009 3

This is a war initiated by Satan himself and it is a battle for our soul. Dajjal being the final of Satan’s weapon for inflicting unbearable pain on the sons and daughters of Adam,

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