ritual sacrifice »

The Hidden Symbolic Meaning of the Movie “2012″

The Hidden Symbolic Meaning of the Movie “2012″

truther May 22, 2012 6

The disaster movie “2012″ is about the near-total destruction of planet Earth in accordance with predictions made by Ancient Mayans, thousands of years ago. While most of the movie is centered around spectacular explosions

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Pentagon researching ‘narrative networks’ as way to hijack the brain with false stories

Pentagon researching ‘narrative networks’ as way to hijack the brain with false stories

truther May 16, 2012 1

If someone - or some government entity - were able to figure out the science behind what makes people violent, what do you suppose they would do with that knowledge? It's a legitimate question,

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Global Control Matrix Revealed

Global Control Matrix Revealed

truther May 10, 2012 2

Isn’t it amazing that in 2012 the Illuminati, the New World Order, the Rothchilds have literally become household words?! Virtually any website that is not considered mainstream media (MSM) may have at least one

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Elite “Kill-Yourself-For-The-Earth” Day

Elite “Kill-Yourself-For-The-Earth” Day

truther April 23, 2012 3

"On April 22, more than one billion people around the globe participated in Earth Day 2012 and help Mobilize the Earth™. People of all nationalities and backgrounds will voice their appreciation for the planet

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Mind Control: Nazi Technology controls Today’s Politicians

Mind Control: Nazi Technology controls Today’s Politicians

truther April 21, 2012 2

What is apparently happening behind the scenes in our world? What forces are at work in an apparent perpetuating course of self-destruction that we our experiencing on our planet Earth? What do politicians in

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“They Live”, the Weird Movie With a Powerful Message

“They Live”, the Weird Movie With a Powerful Message

truther April 18, 2012 9

‘They Live’ is a science-fiction movie from the Eighties that features aliens, a WWF wrestler and a whole lot of sunglasses. What’s not to like? While, at first glance, the movie appears to be

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The Horrific New World Order Master Plan that has full UN approval

The Horrific New World Order Master Plan that has full UN approval

truther April 12, 2012 8

They say “A picture paints a thousand words.” Look deep into this picture and you will see what the New World Order is all about – False Flags – Natural Resources & Money –

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Illuminati Mind Control & the Report from Iron Mountain

Illuminati Mind Control & the Report from Iron Mountain

truther April 4, 2012 0

The Rothschild-led international banking cartel learned long ago that it was much easier to brainwash people than to face off with them in open combat. Over the past decades these techniques, led by television

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Were Illuminati Responsible for Holocaust?

Were Illuminati Responsible for Holocaust?

truther March 22, 2012 3

The satanic plague devouring humanity originated with the Sabbatean-Frankist cult, a Satanic Jewish heresy based on the Cabala that absorbed half the Jews in Europe in the 17th/18th Century, including the Rothschilds. By pretending

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How Illuminati Recruit & Network

How Illuminati Recruit & Network

truther March 15, 2012 1

What do Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman and CNN's Wolf Blitzer have in common? How aboutChicago Tribune owner Sam Zell, and pop singers Simon and Garfunkle?

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Principle vs. Populism: THE U.S.A.’S LAST CHANCE

Principle vs. Populism: THE U.S.A.’S LAST CHANCE

truther March 3, 2012 0

The urgent lesson for this report, is, that, remarkably, some actually great U.S. Presidents have lived out the term of office for which they had been elected, often despite the British empire’s customarily vigilant

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